Sunday, 23 February, 2025

Trei Amici Games presents Too Many Turtles tactical card game

Trei Amici Games launches Too Many Turtles: The Card Game? Too Many Turtles is a tactical point builder card game in which two players play against eachother over the course of up to 3 rounds to create the biggest army of turtles that they can. The player with the highest amount of points at the end of the round wins and the game goes to the first player to win 2 out of 3 rounds. On the other side, you have an army of daredevil turtles being controlled by humans trying to stop turtron from saving the world. Wielding terrible effect cards like Debilitating Pollution and Plastic, they will stop at nothing to keep the valiant hero Turtron from cleaning the environment and helping the turtle population to reassert itself. Thanks to our amazing partners at SEE Turtles, you’ll be able to save turtles no matter which deck you play! In fact, we will pledge to save at least 50 turtles for every person who backs our game. In other words, your figurative turtle saving antics can literally save endangered sea turtles in real life.

Now some info about real world turtle issues. Sea Turtle Conservancy. Sea Turtle Conservancy was established in 1956 after some of the earliest publications detailing the plight of sea turtles amid global climate change. Their primary focus has been preserving the Caribbean Green Sea Turtle, bringing it back from the brink of extinction. Based in Gainesville, Florida, Sea Turtle Conservancy is no a multifaceted operation, with educational programs and research focusing on sea turtles. The research department operates across Latin America, primarily in the coastal areas ringing the Caribbean where they can track movement and behavior of the local turtle populations.

Effect cards affect turtles, some even infect, like The T-Virus. Turtles in our game don’t attack other turtles. We don’t advocate for turtle on turtle violence. We do, however, allow for a series of wacky, and sometimes serious effect cards to increase competitive gameplay. As it stands, we have 4 different types of Effect Cards in the game: Add/Subtract HP from turtles – These cards can help you edge out your opponent when the round ends and it’s time to calculate scores. Remove Turtles from play – These cards (Such as House Fire pictured far left) can remove turtles from the field of play, keeping your opponent stuck in place.Discover a few extra details at Save the Turtles Card Game.

From the guys who played Cards Against Humanity and Exploding Kittens comes a new game, starring some of the slowest animals on the planet; but things get moving pretty quickly! Players will take turns playing turtles and moving them across the field as quickly as possible, dodging all of the wild effects that their opponent can throw at them. Sometimes the effects are very real, like discarded Plastic or Debilitating Pollution, sometimes they’re as sudden as Shell Death!

The Impact: Luckily for all of you amazing people reading this, the three of us aren’t quite smart enough to believe we can’t change the world. With your help though, we might be smart enough to pull it off! We chose SEE Turtles as our Non-Profit Partner because they work around the world to defend turtle hatchlings from danger so they can thrive. We need to take action before Sea Turtles go extinct. So, for every pack we sell, we pledge to save (at least) 50 hatchlings with the help of SEE Turtles. Once we realized the danger posed to turtle populations worldwide by human activity, we realized it was our responsibility to do something to help. We believe a game can change the world and we’re going to prove it! Explore even more details at



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