Sunday, 23 February, 2025

ASTQB advices

A test manager’s knowledge? Most experienced developers understand that software testing isn’t a singular approach, although, in the broadest sense, it refers to a collection of tests and evaluations that aim to determine whether a software application works as it should and if it can be expected to continue working as it should in real-world use scenarios. Basically, software testing aims to ensure that all the gears are churning smoothly and work together like a well-oiled machine.

What metrics do you want? The one size fits all approach just doesn’t work for collecting metrics. It depends on so many factors and unless you are using a Test Management Tool of some description you are unlikely to have all the stats you need at hand. As a starting point you need to understand what the key factors are that mean most to you. Do you have a drop dead date for your projects? Do you need your requirements to be exact? Do you need your estimation to be near perfect? Once you work out what is critical to you and your organisation, start collecting the metrics for this. Focus the collected metrics around your key factors and this will help you get what you need without creating a significant overhead in collecting all other metrics.

Lucian Cania is an experienced international IT delivery and software test manager with a vast experience in test management. He founder Cania Consulting by leveraging a vast background in Transformation Programs executed across Europe in the areas of ERP, BI, Retail, Billing and Integration. After passing the ISTQB Foundation Certification, this eBook was great source to better understand what to expect from the Test Managers working on my Software Projects. Read even more details at Test Analysis.

Benefit: Your ability to achieve quality is improved because the application development team is not charged with unrealistically perfect expectations. Rather, it is chartered with a definition of quality that fits the given time, resource, and budget constraints. Impact on quality: This improvement will help you meet business requirements and achieve a satisfying user experience. Relevant roles: Business stakeholders and the entire application development team will need to implement this practice. Your user documentation should be tested, too. User manuals are indivisible from software. There’s no software simple to the point where it doesn’t need a user guide. End users are people who can fall under certain categories and be united by the notion of target audience, but, nevertheless, they are still just a bunch of unique human beings. So, some functionality that is clear to one person is rocket science to another. This proves two points: yes, we all need technical documentation so our product is used properly and, yes, this documentation should be approached from many angles and tested thoroughly to be understood by everyone.

Work at home software testing trick for today : Another option if your developers are used to looking at each other’s screens to get past roadblocks is to consider the much ignored practice of eXtreme Programming (XP) – namely pair programming. You can use screen sharing or code-sharing tools (VS Code has this built-in) to make this happen. One of the challenges with tasks and work assignment is that there are too many ways to assign work to people. Should we type up tasks inside a Google document, send emails to someone to act like ‘virtual tasks’, or simply post them to people in Chat. What we have found is that in this case, be very disciplined around task tracking and assignment. See additional details on



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