Saturday, 29 March, 2025

Day: May 5, 2020

Premium golf headcovers online shopping: The head covers that I trialed were all made of “premium synthetic leather”. When I first realized that these head covers were not real leather, I did not expect them to be as durable as Read more…

Get to know Nick Ayton and some of his technology leader ideas… Nick Ayton on the bitcoin generation: Bitcoin is part of a tech wave that I call all at once, and where the Bitcoin blockchain is one of several Read more…

You must see Singapore at least once and fragrance souvenirs? The perfect personalized souvenir from your Singapore trip is a personalized perfume from Scent-osa. Cymbidium Finlaysonianum, Used in Fresh 2 (Women) for Team building Perfume workshop. This is found on Read more…

Tax preparation tricks and providers? Harvest Your Capital Losses: If you own stocks that have lost money, you can sell them and deduct up to $3,000 on your federal taxes. Just be careful not to violate the wash-sale rule, which Read more…