Friday, 07 March, 2025

Safe foreskin restoration recommendations

Best foreskin restoration guides? Foreskin restoration techniques can help alleviate phimosis by stretching a tight foreskin. The gentle tugging process can help break down phimosis causing scar tissue, increase skin elasticity, and widen the foreskin so it becomes looser and retracts more easily. Foreskin restoration can help guys avoid a unnecessary, painful, and invasive circumcision surgery. Restoration methods can help these guys keep their valuable foreskin.

The Supercanister device is attached to the shaft of the penis to allow the skin to be comfortably held and gently stretched. The device selected may vary depending on how tightly the individual was circumcised. Someone tightly circumcised (CI-1) will need a Novice model that can reach down the shaft to attach, while someone with some sliding skin can use the Advanced device that accommodates more skin. Medical grade adhesives and tape are used to comfortably secure the Supercanister to the skin. Adhesives and tape provide the most breathable, non-restrictive, and comfortable way to attach a device to sensitive skin. This is because adhesives stick to skin to grab it and do not restrict blood flow. On the other hand “tapeless” devices compress the skin to hold it and this can restricts blood flow. The lack of blood flow can cause stinging sensations.

The Supercanister features a raised lip machined on the end of the barrel. This lip helps to retain the inner wrap of tape and keep it from sliding off the device (if liquid adhesive is not used.)The coverage index (CI) was created to help restoring men gauge the extent of their circumcision skin loss. The index goes on to provide reference points throughout your foreskin restoration journey. The index also helps with determining which device best suits you. The index illustrates foreskin coverage in both the erect and flaccid states. This helps the restoring man better determine his CI number. When we determine a CI number, we consider the amount of coverage in a normal state of flaccidity, not when your penis is unnaturally withdrawn. See more info at foreskin restoration.

Here in the 21st Century we now have better ways to restore foreskins. The Advanced Devices Supercanister Foreskin tugging device was derived from the time proven 35mm film canister design. Guys actually once used homemade tuggers cobbled from plastic film canisters, hence the name. ADI has perfected that method with the Supercanister models. The Supercanister is a device that uses tape and adhesive to attach to the penis, but incorporates several improvements that make it vastly superior to the homemade film canister. The Novice model comes in three sizes to accommodate a range of penises. The Supercanister offers a magnetic safety release to prevent injury. The Supercanister provides for much easier bathroom breaks, and if you wear a restoration device long enough that will become important to you. You can cleanly pee while wearing the Supercanister without splashing or mess. You could even stand at a urinal wearing a Supercanister and no one would even know.

What Are The Benefits of Foreskin Restoration? Restoring your foreskin will provide loose sliding skin that increases stimulation during sex for you and your partner. Your new foreskin will cover and protect the head (glans) to keep it moist and sensitive. A covered glans will de-keratinized to become smooth and pink, just like it was supposed to be. The process can also help break down circumcision scar tissue and improve appearance. Restoration can help straighten a curved penis if the curvature was caused by uneven or excessive skin removal during circumcision. A restored foreskin also gives men a feeling of being whole again, that the parts that were cut off – without their permission – have been restored. Discover even more details on

