Friday, 07 March, 2025

Third secret of Fatima interpretations

Armageddon revelations studies? Statistical data reveals an apocalyptic code that points to end-time events right now. The pattern was so strong and unusual that it appeared to be nothing short of miraculous. The very last clue provided by Conchita was the matter of the said miracle and when it was to occur. Recall that Conchita stated that the miracle must occur within 12 months after the warning, on the feast day of a recognized martyred saint of the Eucharist. And Conchita also stated that the said day must fall between the 8th and 16th day of either March, April or May. Having now ruled out the months of March and May, and having narrowed down the day to the 13th of Easter April, the only feast day of a martyred saint of the Eucharist that falls on the 13th day of April is Saint Hermenegild (A.D. 585).

Now looking at the foregoing timetraks chart for World War II (FIGURES 5.1-5.2 & APPENDIX), it may appear to the untrained eye that a future world war will occur only between 2027 and 2028. However, nothing can be further from the truth, for just because there is little or no activity prior to the 2027, does not necessarily mean that there is no world war going on. Indeed, according to the said timetraks of World War II, the years 1939 to the beginning of 1942, showed little or no activity whatsoever. But we know, as history can attest to, that World War II started on the 1st day of September in 1939.

Those familiar with the New Testament know that a righteous spirit is pure white and unblemished. We can deduce this from the transfiguration of Elijah and Moses in front of Jesus and his apostles. Refer to Chapter 9, vv. 2-4, in the Book of Mark, which reveals the following: “And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them. And there appeared to them Elijah and Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.” (ESV) Discover more details at

The apparitions at Medjugorje represent the last of the Marian communications before the second coming of Jesus Christ. The messages given by the apparitions involved ten secrets. Mirjana received all ten secrets first that was written on a parchment on Christimas day in 1982. Mirjana was apparently the only one who could read the secrets on this parchment. The other children received the secrets verbally during the apparition sightings. Five of the six children have received all ten of the secrets, while only one, known as Vicka, has not, for she continues to witness daily sightings of the Blessed Virgin to this day. Such marian sightings appear to be strongly tied to the Garabandal apparitions insofar as the warning of God and the miraculous sign are concerned. And according to one of the seers, Mirjana Soldo, the Virgin Mary told her “that Medjugorje would be the fulfillment of Fatima and that her heart would triumph.”

This apocalyptic code suggests that some of the end-time events have already started and will intensify as the months and years pass, with more events to come soon, culminating in a cataclysmic deluge and worldwide devastation caused by the arrival of a planetary sized comet, to be followed immediately thereafter, by the second coming of Jesus Christ. Suggestions for survival have been provided at the end of the blogsite. Find more details at virgin Mary apparition.

