Sunday, 23 February, 2025

Theology and superstition ideas from Francisco Marques

Philosophy and superstition ideas from Francisco Marques: In a society lead by science and technology, there is a powerful growth in superstitious ideas. The distancing from the Truth leads the man to seek to respond to his eternal restlessness. In this book, the author Francisco Marques reflects on the existence of superstition in our lives, helping the reader to individualise and move away from all that is dangerous to his spiritual life, and proposes a path of growth and a passage to true devotion, which leads to true peace, freedom and happiness. Issues such as: Human Religiosity; The “New Age”; The Occult; Holistic Therapies; Freedom from Superstition; and much more. (Includes an Incredible Testimony) are addressed.

Find practices that bring you peace: I often go to the Passion of Christ sections of the Bible (Mark 14-15, Matthew 26-27, Luke 22-23 and John 18-19) because I find my challenges can be best united to His. I ask for His wisdom to look at the situations I am in with His eyes and to be able to walk with His Heart. I also practice The Daily Examen, which is essential to be able to reflect on my day, my emotions, my interactions and my responses all in the light of Christ and what He is calling me to.

Waking up for Mass in the morning can certainly be difficult. If that’s the main problem, there are evening Masses, but you probably already knew that. And if that’s not the only issue, surely you might come up with another excuse to skip. Your intentions are good, but you don’t follow through. This prevalent occurrence is a reality in today’s world. But, ladies and gentlemen, we can’t make excuses for God. Catholics need to go to church, people. And don’t be a Chreaster, either. Chreasters are folks who show up to church only about twice a year … on Christmas and Easter. Don’t be one of those. So, rise and shine. It really is the best way to start your Sunday.

But after all, who is Francisco Marques? The young seminarian became known in Portugal in July 2021 when he was on some television shows talking about his personal friendship with Pope Francis. According to Francis’ social media, Dolores and Elma met with the seminarian in Rome, where they took a tour of the Vatican. Now it’s Francisco’s turn to walk around Madeira, and there are many photographs of the young man’s walks with Cristiano Ronaldo’s mother and sister in Funchal, which show that Francisco created a beautiful relationship of friendship with Dolores Aveiro.

The author Francisco Marques was born in Aveiro, a city in Portugal at 24 of August of 1998. His Academic Studies in Filosofy and Theology were made at Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum of Rome, Italy. His Literary Subjects are Related to Religion, Filosophy, Christian Theology and Demonology. In 2019 has Released his First Book: “Dominus Vocat”, Which was Delivered to Pope Francis During a Papal Audience. His Latest Literary work is Called: “From Superstition to Devotion”. Read additional information on Francisco Marques.

